Imap protonmail
Imap protonmail

imap protonmail

when I started v2 with fresh account it worked right away but I didn't verified via cli if sync was done I'm only saying if it was it was very quick why sync is required in v3 but not in v2, i.e.

imap protonmail imap protonmail imap protonmail

Sync (vkuznet): 91.9% (Elapsed: 4035.4s, ETA: 358.0s)ĮRRO Failed to parse address error="mismatched input ':' expecting " Sync (vkuznet): 91.5% (Elapsed: 3989.5s, ETA: 369.8s)ĮRRO Get "": net/http: timeout awaiting response headers, Attempt 1ĮRRO Failed to parse address error="no viable alternative at input 'ariza '" Sync (vkuznet): 91.4% (Elapsed: 3983.7s, ETA: 377.2s)ĮRRO Failed to parse address error="no viable alternative at input 'todor '" So far I'm downgrading the proton bridge to previous version to avoid this issue. For instance, if email is fetch by one client and is fetched by another later its flag are not properly reset. I think either cache or concurrency fetching is an issue here. V3.0.20 Context (Environment) Detailed Description Please note, that in previous version of bridge this issue was never pop-up. mutt, and fetch your email, then delete your recently fetched email, repeat step 3 and your email will be fetched again.

  • run goimapsync with proton bridge credentials.
  • fetch and build goimapsync package from.
  • My mail client runs a cronjob to fetch emails from proton bridge on periodic basis and there the email is not marked as delete in upstream IMAP server or the mail stays somewhere in local cache of proton bridge. If I delete my email in my local mail client, I see that the same email appears again. If mail is fetched from upstream server the proton bridge should not fetch it over and over again if I delete this email in my client application. My mutt configuration did not change, but the behavior did change after recent upgrade. Said that, I use multiple devices, such as Android phone, iPad, and run proton bridge on my mac where I use mutt client. after some time it appears in my mailbox again. Please use bug report function in Bridge or contact recent upgrade of bridge client, v3.0.20, I found that it fetches the same emails over and over if I delete my mail on in my client, e.g. "It doesn't work" or new features should be discussed with our customer support. Issue tracker is ONLY used for reporting bugs with technical details.

    Imap protonmail